News & Events



5th to 10th July - Autosleepers Owners Club Rally - on field

10th July - SBC Council Meeting - 7pm Comm Room

11th July - Staffs County Council (training) - 10am to 2pm Main Room

12th July - Staffs County Council (training) - 9:30am to 12:30pm Main Room

15th July - Staffs County Council (training) - 9:30am to 1:30pm Main Room

15th July - Barber Art Group - 10am to 12 Noon Comm Room

17th July - Staffs County Council (training) - 9:30am to 2:30pm Main Room

20th July - Staffs County Council (training) - 10am to 1pm Main Room

22nd July - Barber Art Group - 10am to 12 Noon Comm Room

29th July - Barber Art Group - 10am to 12 Noon Comm Room

31st July - Staffs County Council (training) - 10am to 1pm Main Room


1st August - SRL Committee Meeting - Com Room 2pm to 4pm

2nd August - Izak Walton Angling Club Meeting - 7:30pm Committee Room

5th August - Barber Art Group - 10am to 12 Noon comm room

5th to 9th August - British Leyland Caravan Club Rally - on field